Does your Office want to be clean on Re-opening? – Integrated Facility Management Services

IFM Services in Bangalore


Integrated facility management services bring together all of a building’s office-related functions under one roof, enhancing the organization’s overall performance. This single point of contact for all facility management services improves coordination between multiple tasks and boosts tenant efficiency.

Maintaining workplace hygiene is the most effective approach to keeping pandemics at bay. Before reopening offices, run over this cleaning checklist.

Measures to keep an office clean:

To keep the office premises clean with the help of Integrated Facility Management Services, there are certain steps or procedures to be undertaken to complete the task which are listed below,

Property Sanitizing: Before you start your business, make sure everything is clean. Because they haven’t been used in months, they are likely to be dusty. To avoid CoronaVirus infectious diseases, clean and sanitize them. Use the services of a recognized and expert sanitization company.

Office Rearranging: Organize the office such that individuals don’t have to interact. To guarantee optimal safety, separate seats, and computers by at least 2 meters.

Remove all unnecessary furniture and position seats with enough space between them to allow for different seating arrangements in common spaces such as dining.

Window and Floor Clean-up: Before you open the workplace, you should also pay attention to the floors and windows. Before the office opens, they must be cleaned and disinfected. Sanitize door knobs in particular because they can quickly transfer germs owing to regular touch. Make sure that Front door handles, Bathroom floors, and in-office doors are clean.

Necessary Cleaning Equipment: Purchase and supply all of the necessities for a healthy workplace. Ensure that your in-house or outsourced housekeeping employees are taught the new handling and cleaning methods. Establish new methods for monitoring and reporting on their compliance with the new regulations. Create and post working notifications on the walls, requesting that goods be located and used as needed.

Necessary Sanitary Checklists: The best way to prevent COVID-19-like harmful diseases from spreading is to sanitize your hands frequently. Make sanitisers available throughout the business and use them to clean office equipment. Also, use wall posters near sanitisers to remind staff of the necessity of maintaining personal hygiene.

Another strategy for combating COVID-19 is to provide enough masks and gloves for staff at the front desk. These actions can assist workers in becoming well-prepared for a pandemic.

Proper Cleaning Time: Create a new office cleaning schedule with a set time interval. Your office will be pandemic-proof after disinfecting and sanitizing it. Cleaning office spaces on a sporadic basis may result in a cluttered workplace. Making a methodical timetable will aid in tracking the cleaning process and guaranteeing the safety of the environment.

Disposing Waste: Many businesses choose to collect rubbish in dustbins and dispose of it at the end of the day before the outbreak. However, in the event of a pandemic, this will be ineffective. Make plans to dispose of the waste in a safe manner, as it may contain viruses. It is a good idea to purchase an instant trash disposal system if you can afford one. Otherwise, keep the waste materials in a sealed container until they can be properly disposed of.

How to Choose the Best Facility Management Services?

With the above steps to be taken to standardize the office as a clean environment, you should choose the Best Facility Management Services in India that will hold up the below points,

Cost Efficient: Facility management is attractive because of its low operational costs. It will not be healthy for a reputable organization to have a number of separate divisions and sections handling facilities management services. It will waste money and resources since it will not know where to spend them properly.

 For example, if a company has two independent departments for cleaning and gardening, it’s likely that both may request financing at the same time. You won’t be able to tell which is an emergency, so you’ll wind up spending on both. All of these areas will be under the control of integrated facility management, which will know which are emergencies and which are not. It is possible to reduce operating costs and boost profit margins by combining various departments.

Quick Response Time: Integrity management makes use of multiple technologies to help coordinate diverse tasks inside a company, saving time. If the integration is done successfully, work order requests and other notifications can be given in real time via mobile devices. This is especially beneficial for larger businesses with multiple locations to handle. Anyone, no matter where they are, may now access the material and respond to questions. Organizations can get to work faster and don’t have to wait as long for numerous vendors to finish the job.

Thus, a corporation with active integrated facility management will get the benefits of healthy assets in the building. An integrated facility management service provider will conduct regular site inspections and take the required steps to maintain the contents of the building safe. This will extend the life of tools and instruments and ensure that they are completely functional. Preventive maintenance, prompt reaction to concerns, and timely inspection can save a lot of money over time.

Why Choose Us for Integrated Facility Management?

ISI India, as the leading comprehensive facilities management service provider, can assist you with this and ensure a stress-free work environment! Establishing appropriate integrity facility management needs much planning and preparation, even with years of experience in the area. Any type of organization will benefit from our services

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